Rosenthal Winery

Located on Pacific Coast Highway, just across from the beach in the beautiful and scenic city of Malibu is Rosenthal: a surprisingly laid-back winery serving up delicious wine. 

During our Uber ride to Rosenthal, I was wondering how many old rich men would attempt to hit on us, how many dirty stares we’d get from their plastic-looking wives and the countless shallow conversations I would have with locals who would brag about their millions and claim they’re neighbors with Leonardo DiCaprio. However, I am happy to announce that I was pleasantly surprised. Rosenthal Winery is anything but pretentious, it is a very laid-back and welcoming environment to mingle, listen to live-music and try the wine that is made straight from its own vineyard.

My friends. They’re a fun bunch.

Rosenthal Wines has an extensive wine list: 18 to be exact. They have one label, Rosenthal, which 100% of its grapes are sourced from their Malibu vineyard, and Surfrider, which gives the winery the luxury of sourcing the best grapes all over California and creating delicious wine under Rosenthal’s roof. Their wines include red, white and Rosé.

My friends and I ordered five bottles: two bottles of Rosenthal’s 2012 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon as well the 2014 Estate Chardonnay and two bottles of the Surfrider’s 2017 Rosé. Side note: we had 13 thirsty girls (and two guys) so yes, five bottles was necessary. 

Surprisingly, my favorite of the five (yes I tried each for research purposes) was the Surfrider Rosé. I typically do not like the sweetness of Rosé, but this one was light, fruity and oh so yummy.

Celebrating the birth of my best friend, Katie Lange with a glass of Rosé!

A helpful tip for my readers: do not drink on an empty stomach! Rosenthal is not a restaurant, so pack your own food to enjoy with their wine and have yourself a picnic. Each friend was in charge of bringing one dish, and we ended up with a mouth-drooling buffet…it. was. awesome. 

And bonus, on weekends Rosenthal has live music to dance to so you can work off the wine and the three servings of pasta salad you had.

If you want a perfect weekend afternoon to enjoy with friends or family, visit Rosenthal. You may or may not run into Leonardo DiCaprio, but nonetheless, you are bound to have yourself a wonderful, wine-filled day. Cheers!

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